Leelo Rosenberg’s Program Update (7/20/04)                                Dates: 6/16/04-7/20/04

Number of Items Mastered this Period: 15                    Last update: 6/16/04

Mastery is 80% correct on 3/5 days, in interspersed trials in Discrete Trial setting, with 2 therapists, unless otherwise noted. Interspersed trials present a few different items with alternating presentation.  All previously mastered tasks are now reviewed weekly as maintenance tasks, or practiced in more relevant contexts.


MASTERED                                                        WORKING ON



Hi and Bye in DTT and in context, with therapists and toys; in play group; with family and friends.  For echo, try saying “Hi” instead


of “Hi Leelo”. ONGOING.



When called, Leelo should respond with “yes?”


Instructional approaches include video model,


Discrete trials, practice in generalized settings



Stand up and pull down pants (for toileting)

Get toy and sit on potty

Give paper to mommy and say “here Mommy”

Stand up and turn around

Get toy and put on chest

Get toy and say “I love you”

Pick up cup and put in sink

Get cup and put on table




Continue practicing with blocks, trains, food,

Variety of 3 block structures (house, slide,

Birthday party toys in less structured settings

Fence, stairs, bridge, tower)

Continue water table actions- pour from 1 cup to another.  Use video model

Stethoscope, Otoscope

Continue w/Doctor kit (shot, bandaids, medicine, blood pressure cuff, etc)



Leelo has mastered over 20 pretends.  We will

Crawl, giant steps, laugh

Continue to work on these to make them more


Recognizable and functional, and to expand/sequence them into more complex play.  Use video models.



Continue pull up pants; pull up underpants


These are difficult (fine motor requirements)



Clap and shake head No

Touch tummy and clap;

Touch toes; Twist at waist; jump; touch knees

Turn around; Stamp feet; Nod head yes




Leelo does these nicely in DTT settings.  Now


Emphasis is on his spontaneous use of where


Questions in more realistic contexts




Leelo is consistently taking off his underpants and peeing into potty.  He also pooed once in


The potty.   We will continue toileting full time


Throughout aba sessions.





Leelo practices circle time activities w/ adults &/


Peers.   Skills emphasized are greetings,


Taking turns, sitting independently, attending


To adults and peers, imitating, listening, and general use of skills in small group setting.


Play Sequences: We are concentrating on expanding Leelo’s pretending and toy play, so it becomes more functional and complex.  For this purpose, Therapist F and I have made some videos of pretend play, including cat, lion, airplane, car, water play, doctor, and tea party. We show these to Leelo prior to practicing the play skills with him.  So far, the video has helped him to pretend to be a cat and a lion while crawling around and making animal sounds.


Play Group:  In June, Leelo participated in play group with Isobel and Mei. He consistently participated in NLP activities with both girls, and also did circle time songs, games, and stories.


NLP and Spontaneous Language: 


S: Put me down                           S: Push the swing

S: It’s on my head                            S: Open door Therapist F

S: It’s on mommy’s eyebrow                      P: The bugs are fighting

S: Mommy, I want banana               P: He doesn’t like lizard

P: Take this medicine                                 P: you sound sick

P: I am a doctor                          S: I love fried rice

S: I’m eating sandwich                     S: Where’s the croissant?

S: I want big boy swing                   



General Note:  Leelo’s therapy and progress has remained relatively consistent, despite the normal summer vacations and schedule changes.  He has continued steady mastery of tasks, and his 2-step directions, actions, and motor imitation seems to have taken a big step forward recently.  Therapists are now working on toileting full-time, as Leelo is consistently peeing in the toilet and appears to be starting to poo as well.  Summer program changes and additions include assessment of Leelo’s skills using the ABLLS (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills), evaluation of a variety of sensory strategies, and preschool preparation (meeting with teachers, planning for Leelo’s participation and therapist support strategies, etc).