Rosenberg�s Program Update (6/16/04)������������������������������ Dates:
Number of Items Mastered this
Period: ���� 15����������������������������� Last update: 5/20/04
Mastery is 80%
correct on 3/5 days, in interspersed trials in Discrete Trial setting, with 2
therapists, unless otherwise noted. Interspersed trials present a few different
items with alternating presentation.�
All previously mastered tasks are now reviewed weekly as maintenance
tasks, or practiced in more relevant contexts.
GREETINGS:� Leelo spontaneously
greeted his grandpa saying� when he
saw him, saying �Hi� and |
Hi and Bye in DTT
and in context, with therapists and toys; in play group; with family and
friends.� For echo, try saying �Hi�
instead |
�Good Morning
Papere�. |
of �Hi Leelo�.
Continue in DTT and
in context, with therapists |
friends.� Be sure to have an engaging |
reason for Leelo to
look up when you call him . This month we will
begin teaching him to respond �what?� when someone calls him. |
ONE- and TWO-
Stand up and pull
down pants (for toileting) |
Stand up and jump |
Get toy and sit on
potty |
Get Tinky Winky and
say �I love you |
Stand up and turn
around |
WITH OBJECTS (1 and 2 steps)
Build bridge w/ 3
blocks |
Variety of 3 block
structures (stairs, etc) |
�Build house w/ 3 blocks |
Begin water table
actions- pour from 1 cup to another |
Begin doctor kit:
wear stethoscope, look in otoscope (ear exam thing) |
to Crawl |
to lick��� pretend to whisper
to Take giant steps |
to blow
Pretend to laugh |
pull up pants; pull
up underpants |
These are difficult
(fine motor requirements) |
Turn around; stamp
feet; nod head yes |
Tap table, clap,
wave, arms up, shake head no |
Stamp and tap table |
Hands on shoulders;
touch tummy and
clap hands |
Leelo does these
nicely in DTT settings.� Now |
Toys under cup;
pieces missing from game; |
Emphasis is on his
spontaneous use of where |
People hiding
under/behind blanket |
Questions in more
realistic contexts |
continue wet/dry in
context, as w/toileting |
Toilet training
ongoing- Leelo is mostly holding |
It in to pee while
on potty; typically pees 1 to 2 |
Times/session into
underpants while on potty.� He did pee
once into potty without underpants. |
Leelo practices
circle time activities w/ adults &/ |
Peers.�� Skills emphasized are greetings, |
Taking turns,
sitting independently, attending |
To adults and
peers, imitating, listening, and general use of skills in small group
setting. |
Play Sequences: Lately
Leelo has been enjoying pretending to eat and feed toys. One time he imitated a
two step play sequence w/ Tinky Winky, and then spontaneously added a third
step �hi Tinky Winky.�� We will continue
working on these by building on one and two step actions w/ objects, and by
following Leelo�s lead when he shows an interest in using toys to play.� Therapist F and Supervisor M have created
some videos for facilitating more complex pretending and playing, and we will
use these this month as well.
Play Group:� Leelo�s play group composition and schedule
will be changing this summer due to various summer plans and schedules. Plan to
be announced.�
General Note: This
past month, the emphasis has been on toileting.� Leelo now says �pee in potty� while he sits on the potty to
pee.� In 10 sessions, he has peed 14
times while on the potty (in underpants) and has had 4 accidents.� In other words, 78 % of the time that he
peed- it was while on the potty.� 22% of
the time he had an accident- peed while not on the potty. This suggests he is holding
it in to go pee while on the potty.�
This past week, he also peed into the potty with his underpants off-
Therapists are also collecting data on behaviors which are safety concerns, namely hitting head with hands, butting head into furniture/people, and hitting self with toys.� The data will help us to determine how these behaviors function for Leelo, and then how to intervene effectively.�