Leelo Rosenberg�s Program Update (6/16/04)������������������������������ Dates: 5/19/04-6/15/04

Number of Items Mastered this Period: ���� 15����������������������������� Last update: 5/20/04

Mastery is 80% correct on 3/5 days, in interspersed trials in Discrete Trial setting, with 2 therapists, unless otherwise noted. Interspersed trials present a few different items with alternating presentation.All previously mastered tasks are now reviewed weekly as maintenance tasks, or practiced in more relevant contexts.


MASTERED����������������������������������������� ��������������WORKING ON


Leelo spontaneously greeted his grandpa sayingwhen he saw him, saying �Hi� and

Hi and Bye in DTT and in context, with therapists and toys; in play group; with family and friends.For echo, try saying �Hi� instead

�Good Morning Papere�.

of �Hi Leelo�. ONGOING.



Continue in DTT and in context, with therapists


family, friends.Be sure to have an engaging


reason for Leelo to look up when you call him .

This month we will begin teaching him to respond �what?� when someone calls him.



Stand up and pull down pants (for toileting)

Stand up and jump

Get toy and sit on potty


Get Tinky Winky and say �I love you


Stand up and turn around





Build bridge w/ 3 blocks

Variety of 3 block structures (stairs, etc)

Build house w/ 3 blocks

Begin water table actions- pour from 1 cup to another


Begin doctor kit: wear stethoscope, look in otoscope (ear exam thing)



Pretend to Crawl

Pretend to lick��� pretend to whisper

Pretend to Take giant steps

Pretend to blow

Pretend to laugh



pull up pants; pull up underpants


These are difficult (fine motor requirements)



Turn around; stamp feet; nod head yes

Tap table, clap, wave, arms up, shake head no

Stamp and tap table

Hands on shoulders;

touch tummy and clap hands



Leelo does these nicely in DTT settings.Now

Toys under cup; pieces missing from game;

Emphasis is on his spontaneous use of where

People hiding under/behind blanket

Questions in more realistic contexts




continue wet/dry in context, as w/toileting


Toilet training ongoing- Leelo is mostly holding


It in to pee while on potty; typically pees 1 to 2


Times/session into underpants while on potty.He did pee once into potty without underpants.



Leelo practices circle time activities w/ adults &/


Peers.�� Skills emphasized are greetings,


Taking turns, sitting independently, attending


To adults and peers, imitating, listening, and general use of skills in small group setting.


Play Sequences: Lately Leelo has been enjoying pretending to eat and feed toys. One time he imitated a two step play sequence w/ Tinky Winky, and then spontaneously added a third step �hi Tinky Winky.�We will continue working on these by building on one and two step actions w/ objects, and by following Leelo�s lead when he shows an interest in using toys to play.Therapist F and Supervisor M have created some videos for facilitating more complex pretending and playing, and we will use these this month as well.


Play Group:Leelo�s play group composition and schedule will be changing this summer due to various summer plans and schedules. Plan to be announced.

NLP and Spontaneous Language: Leelo is spontaneously asking where questions throughout his therapy.On one day he asked 11 where questions! (4 of which were �where�s the veggie booty?�).�� He still occasionally overgeneralizes and substitutes where questions for �I want��He is using pronouns in his imitated and spontaneous speech (see below).In addition, therapists are modeling language to help Leelo control his hyperactive behavior (running around).


S: There you go�������������������� S: Hi duck (while hugging it)

S: I on swing������������������������ S: Mommy, where is mommy?

P: I�m blowing����������������������� S: Pee in potty

P: I�m swinging��������������������� S: I�m waiting

S: I want to go to mommy������ S: I want to go on swing

S: I on horsy������������������������� S: Wendy down the slide

P: I run around����������� S: I want water.Where�s the water?



General Note: This past month, the emphasis has been on toileting.Leelo now says �pee in potty� while he sits on the potty to pee.In 10 sessions, he has peed 14 times while on the potty (in underpants) and has had 4 accidents.In other words, 78 % of the time that he peed- it was while on the potty.22% of the time he had an accident- peed while not on the potty. This suggests he is holding it in to go pee while on the potty.This past week, he also peed into the potty with his underpants off- hooray.


Therapists are also collecting data on behaviors which are safety concerns, namely hitting head with hands, butting head into furniture/people, and hitting self with toys.The data will help us to determine how these behaviors function for Leelo, and then how to intervene effectively.