Leelo’s Team Meeting Minutes: 3/11/04


1               Data and Instructional Procedures:

·        We have been supporting Leelo’s play sequencing (expanding play) with multiple 2-step activities, including 2-step gross motor imitations, actions with objects, and following directions.  Now Leelo is beginning to attend to both steps, and to respond correctly.  In general, tasks with materials are mastered more quickly than pure language tasks (e.g. “get a tissue and throw it in the garbage” vs. “blow a kiss and give me a hug”.) Both are very important.

·        This week, Leelo spontaneously sequenced 3 actions while playing with trains at the table!

·        Squid shared that during Leelo’s assessment at Stanfford, he played beautifully with a baby doll, feeding her cake, etc. Therapists can add this “birthday” theme to play with the dolls- use leftover party goods (plates, hats, blowers, etc), food toys, baby/doll toys, etc.

·        Maintenance tasks should be practiced in a variety of settings (on the floor, in the kitchen, outside, etc). Leelo should be able to use his skills everywhere, not just at the “work table”. Squid shared that he can already do many skills, such as pretend animal sounds, in a variety of settings.  The play group is another great setting for practicing mastered skills.

2               Reinforcement and Breaks:

·        Breaks now last 3 to 4 minutes; Leelo seems ready to go back to work afterwards

·        The end of break is signalled with a timer

·        Toy bins are covered with a sheet

·        Squid and therapists will begin clearing toys off the chest and around the fireplace

·        Leelo can select his break toys before he leaves the table.  He may need to practice this a bit to get the hang of it.  Try stopping work before his is “all done”, offering him choices, and prompting him to go take a break.

·        We will make a picture to symbolize “run around” as a choice for break.  Leelo can do this when he has chosen it. If he runs around without having chosen it, show him the picture, give him some language (“I want run around”), and encourage him to choose run around.

·        Be sure to continue including structured activities (therapist-directed) that provide Leelo with whatever bouncing/running/jumping he appears to seek.


3               Play Group Update: Play group is a great setting for Leelo to practice using his skills learned in discrete trial, and to work on skills important for preschool, including:

·        watching others (teacher, children)

·        imitating others

·        sitting independently for increasing length of time

·        following directions given by teacher, children

·        language activities and group participation

To futher promote these skills, Therapist L will begin to lengthen the hello/circle time portion of play group.  She has already begun using a mini-schedule for the playgroup, to keep everyone informed about what will happen. Over the next months, we will add feltboard/easel activities, activities to take turns speaking, answering questions, imitating, etc.  It may help to have the children seated in chairs during the circle time.


4               Other issues:

·        Preschool: Leelo is on a waiting list for the fall for OGNS preschool (3 days/week, 2-1/2 hours per day). 

·        Toileting: we will try to begin the 2nd week in April



5               Schedule: Leelo away April 5 through 9 for Spring Break.


6               Next Meeting: Monday March 29 at 9:30.