Leelo Rosenberg: Draft IEP Goals 

Expressive Language: 

Goal: use 3 to 6 word phrases and sentences and eye contact to communicate his wants and needs to teachers

Baseline: Leelo independently uses 3 to 6 words at home and in ABA therapy to communicate his wants and needs. He often needs prompts to make eye contact.

Goal: answer simple academic and social questions with eye contact in class

Baseline: Leelo can answer simple academic and social questions using scripts, in highly structured therapeutic setting.  He needs prompts to make eye contact

Receptive Language:

Goal: When name is called in class, respond by looking at person calling

Baseline: Leelo responds to his name in structured and non-distracting settings. 

Goal: follow 1 step directions given to the group

Baseline: Leelo follows generalized 1-step directions in ABA therapy and with his family.  He does not yet follow group directions.

Goal: follow simple 2-step directions given individually

Baseline: Leelo follows some 2-step directions in ABA therapy and class; he does best with directions involving materials (e.g. get a tissue and throw it away).

Independent Functioning: 

Goal: increase tolerance for distraction: accurately respond to instruction given auditory or visual distraction

Baseline: Leelo can tolerate using 3 to 7 similar materials at once (e.g. blocks, trains).  He becomes distracted with more materials, and more variety.  He can tolerate instruction in small group (2 children), but generally needs one-to-one support to follow instruction in larger groups.

Goal: independently follow 3 step daily routine

Baseline: with prompt to get started, Leelo can independently wash hands.  He is working on getting a snack.

Goal: independently transition from 1 activity to another, using picture schedule and one physical prompt per transition

Baseline: Leelo is currently given a single picture card during transitions. He needs prompting to stay on task during transition, and often needs a prompt to put the picture card onto the schedule.

Goal: participate independently in small group activities for 5 minutes

Baseline: Leelo generally requires adult support to remain at group activities. 


Goal: use toilet independently on schedule

Baseline: During ABA therapy, Leelo currently requires 2-5 prompts to stay focused during the toilet process. He can independently complete all of the toileting steps.  

Goal: wash hands independently upon request

Baseline: During ABA therapy, Leelo can independently complete all of the handwashing steps.  He frequently needs a prompt to get started, and to stay on task.

Social and Play Skills

Goal: initiate and respond to greeting, comment and other social interactions with adult at school

Baseline: Leelo spontaneously greets preferred people, and ABA therapists with 4 second time delay.  He consistently comments (I have, I see, I hear) in structured setting, and occasionally with his family.  

Goal: initiate and respond to peer social interaction

Baseline: Leelo generally requires prompting to initiate and respond to peers. 

Goal: play simple game with peers for 5 minutes with limited adult support

Baseline: Leelo is beginning to play games with single peer during play dates.  He regularly stays with his peer.  He requires adult prompting for most steps of the game.

Academic Skills

Goal: reading- name individual letter sounds; decode cvc words; 10 sight words; listen to story in group for 5 minutes

Baseline: Leelo expressively and receptively knows all upper and lower case letter names. Receptively and expressively, he can name at least 6 letter sounds, and one vc word (“at”).  He also can read at least 3 words by sight (Leelo, Rosenberg, break). 

Goal: math concepts: one-to-one correspondence/count objects to 5; big-small; more-less; 

Baseline: Leelo can count by rote to at least 10.  He does not yet have 1 to 1 correspondence, or consistently count objects up to 3.  


Goal: communicate his need for a break

Baseline: at ABA therapy, Leelo sometimes spontaneously asks for a break.  He generally requires a text prompt (break card).  He may also hit himself, hit the table, or hit others when he is bored or disturbed by an activity.

Goal: communicate desire for attention

Baseline: At ABA therapy and with his family, Leelo sometimes says “Play with me”, and “I want to go see (name)”.  When he is aroused or upset, he may also hit himself or others when wanting attention. 

Goal: reduce hitting others and hitting self

Baseline: Leelo regularly hits himself, others, and/or the table when he either wants attention, wants to be finished with an activity, wants more of an activity, and is generally highly aroused.  He has a behavior plan which is being followed to address these needs. Hitting frequency varies greatly from day to day, ranging from 0 to once every few minutes.